Hi All,
Firstly, thank you Samm for nominating me for an award, it is much appreciated!!
Here Goes:
This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his or her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values every day.
Here are the rules:
Step 1: respond and rework -- answer the questions on your own blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.
Step 2: tag - eight other bloggers to do the same.
1) What are you wearing right now? Black Pants, Purple top and black sandals
2) What is your biggest fear? being alone
3) Do you nap a lot? used to! Sleep, whats that??
4) Who is the last person you hugged? Hannah, when I left for work this morning..
5) What websites to you visit when you go online? I am a blog addict and visit loads of blogs and I visit many sites that teach me a lot about cancer....especially childhood cancer..
6) What was the last item you bought? Nappies - the story of my life, but I love it!!
7) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Ireland - its just a beautiful place...
8) If you could go to the Oscars, who would you want to sit next to? Meg Ryan - I am a huge fan
9) If there was something you could do over, what would it be? Study harder
10) What is your most frightening moment? being hijacked in front of Hannah's school while I had her in my arms..
11) What was the last movie you watched? PS. I love you - A highly recommended movie
12) What is the luckiest thing that ever happened to you? I also would not use the word lucky - but blessed - my children, Hannah & Ethan.. (Luck is not normally on my side.. ha ha)
13) If you had a whole day to yourself with no work, commitments or interruptions what would you do? spend time with my family....
14) Is there a major goal you have that you haven't yet achieved? mmmmmm - I want to do my BCOM in Marketing...
15) What is the first job you had? A cashier at a supermarket
16) What is something that those in blog land might not know about you? I have shaved all my hair off before and dyed it orange!!
17) What is something simple that relaxes you and you enjoying doing? Scrap booking or cross-stitch embroidery...
18) Do you make time for yourself everyday, and if so, what do you do? If I get a gap, which is rare, I take a long hot bath!
19.)What is the last book you read? Warning!
And My nominations are:
1) Samm Higgins from Deqlan Higgins Blog - For being a true inspiration to me and for always having such positive blog posts.. Many can learn from you Samm..
2) Gillian Meiring from All-hands-on-dec site : For your true courage and inspiraton shown through this site and for always being positive and keeping a positive spirit alive on the site.
3) Megan Du Plessis from Keatons blog - You two are a true inspiration to mothers around the world, sharing your love for Keaton for the world to see..
4) Loren Stow from Malakai Stows blog - For your amazing strength and courage you show and for the way you embrace your son and show us all the true meaning of love through your blog.
5) Elriza from Caden Pauls blog - The strength and courage you showed from the day Caden was born (3 months prem) is amazing.. You are indeed a woman of faith!
6) Loren Stow from Loren Stow Photography - for bringing out the beauty of people and their personalities through your photgraphy.. For telling storys in such a beautiful way..
I only have 6 nominations - Sorry...